Income For Life | Pension-Like | Guaranteed Income Annuities
A fixed value guaranteed income annuity will provide you with guaranteed income for life, like a pension that you and your spouse cannot outlive. Income annuities can also experience growth if the income recipient dies; if structured properly, the (unpaid out principle) balance goes on to the heirs. This unique pension feature (income for life) is only available with annuities. This makes annuities the only secure retirement income product that can provide guaranteed income for life, as long as you or your spouse are alive. This income is guaranteed even if there is a prolonged recession or if you live to be 150; you will receive lifelong monthly income. Most annuity carriers charge an approximate 1% fee per year for this pension feature.

With most carriers, the owner can start the monthly pension payment virtually right away, or can start the monthly pension payment at any set time in the future, unless a specified waiting period is stated in the contract. This monthly pension income is guaranteed by the insurer to continue for the rest of your and your spouse’s life. Through our research we can tell you exactly how much guaranteed monthly income you will receive at any time in the future. This guarantee is provided by the insurance company’s claim paying ability, which is why we only recommend highly rated insurance companies, that through our research, we will provide to you. Also, from day one, even when you are receiving the monthly pension checks (if structured properly), your principal will still be receiving applicable interval growth. You will still have access to your principal (minus any applicable surrender charges or prior withdrawals), and your beneficiary heirs will receive the unpaid principal upon your death. You can turn your IRA or 401(k) into a pension annuity and stop worrying if you will run out of money. Find out the best annuity solution for you, so you can retire worry free.